We will be covering, 'How to prepare for PSLE English Oral? Part 2 - Stimulus-based conversation' in a 2 part webinar series. To watch the first part, click on this button.
This is the second part and we will be covering, '.' In the next video, we will be covering strategies on PSLE Oral stimulus-based conversation. Below is a breakdown on what the video will cover. Please click on the video above.
The video covers the following:
PSLE Oral Marking Scheme for PSLE Oral stimulus-based conversation (The marking scheme is available in our book.)
Answering format
The importance of Oral Keywords
How to use the exercises from this book to prepare for PSLE Oral stimulus-based conversation
Demonstration from the teachers on how to respond to PSLE Oral stimulus-based questions.
If you would like to download the free sample of our book. Here is the link. Click on the button below.
In case you need to take a closer look at the materials from the video, we will upload it onto this blog. Please go to the appropriate sections.
How to prepare for PSLE English Oral? Part 2 - Stimulus-based conversation PSLE Oral Marking Scheme
(Stimulus-based conversation)
1. Understand the PSLE Oral marking scheme (Stimulus-based conversation)
PSLE English Oral Marking Rubrics
The marking scheme / rubric is available in our book. In this blog, we will discuss the broad categories Oral Examiners look out for.
Responding to questions
Elaboration of ideas
Expressing opinions
2. PSLE Oral Questions Answering Formats
P | Point |
E | Elaborate (Tip: Use connectors like Firstly, Secondly to organise details) |
E | Example (You may include personal opinions, suggestions or experiences) |
L | Link back to the question or say 'in conclusion' to signal to the examiner that you have finished answering |
3. Importance of Oral Keywords
Using oral keywords add relevancy to the topic. We have organised a list of important keywords behind every theme in our book. Here is an example of one
Oral Keywords list: Health
In the pink of health |
Health is wealth |
Recuperate / Recover |
Prescription / prescribed / medication / dosage |
Sanitise hands / disinfect surfaces |
Contaminated food / mishandled food |
Avoid eating from stalls with flies and food that has been handled without gloves |
Consume food within the expiry date |
Feeling under the weather |
Observe good personal hygiene |
4. How to use the exercises from this book to prepare for PSLE ORAL Stimulus-Based Conversation?
For Primary 6 students, due to a lack of time, concentrate on unfamiliar themes. Familiarise yourself with keywords. You may use the internet for research to fill up the questions. For Primary 5 students, we advise them to fill up the answers for all the themes. Writing out the answers prepares the brain in the event a similar question pops out during the exam. Even the best speakers in the world, prepare before their speeches. Therefore, prepare interesting and intelligent answers for common themes. Prepare relevant and highly interesting stories for personal experiences that you can use if a similar question emerges.
We recommend students to start as early as Primary 4 as it takes at least 2.5 years to prepare well for PSLE Oral examinations.
5. Demonstration from the teachers on how to answer questions
Please refer to the ending of the video for this snippet.
6. Exercises to prepare for PSLE Oral Stimulus-based conversation
Shoot the question: Catch your child off guard and throw a question at them. Watch how they handle the question. Do they stutter? If you are a busy working parent, you can exchange voice notes via whatsapp. Benefits: It helps them compose themselves when faced with a difficult question. It also helps them learn to respond quickly and efficiently.
Shoot a video: Record a video of them answering questions. This helps them watch their body language.
Role play: Pretend to be the examiner and ask them question. You can also do role reversal where they are the examiner and you are the student. By watching you answer, they can be in the shoes of the examiner and understand what examiners watch out for.
We hope these tips and tricks have been useful.
Did you know we do PSLE ORAL MOCK Exam?
Want to know how your child will do for PSLE ORAL? Try a 15 minute Mock PSLE ORAL session with us. Get your session recorded, receive comprehensive notes on what to improve & a score based on the Oral Marking Scheme.
Oral Review is our ad hoc programme to prepare PSLE students for Oral examinations. Students will be tested for 1 reading passage and 1 set of stimulus based conversation question. Each session is 15 minutes. Parents will receive feedback in written form and also scores. Due to high volume, only saturday evenings are now available.
Click this button to whatsapp us.
$160 for 4 sessions
Click on the button below to be directed to download a FREE SAMPLE.